We’re thrilled to share that our collaboration with UroGen Pharmaceuticals was recognized as a finalist in the Partnership category for this year’s LTEN Excellence Awards. This recognition highlights the innovative work and dedication both teams put into this project. Below, you will find a case study that showcases the exceptional efforts and outcomes of our partnership with UroGen. It details the strategies implemented, challenges overcome, and the remarkable results achieved through our combined expertise and commitment to excellence.

Level 1 — The Bold Mission

UroGen Pharma, Inc., a growing biotech, understood that talent development remains a critical strategic lever to drive growth. Through a partnership with WLH Consulting & Learning Solutions (“WLH”), UroGen created and implemented a cutting-edge leadership development program designed to empower leaders across all levels—from leaders of leaders to aspiring leaders.

Level 2 – The Challenge

  • Organizational culture not defined
  • No leadership competencies and behaviors
  • Inconsistent ways of working (coaching, collaboration, etc.)
  • No formal bench of “ready now” talent
  • Limited bandwidth

Level 3 – The Comprehensive Solution

The UroGen-WLH partnership resulted in a strategic sequence of diagnostic, alignment, and cascading interventions. At all levels, the solution prepared leaders to tackle the healthcare sector’s challenges while enhancing personal style and effectiveness.

  • WLH and UroGen defined leadership expectations and behaviors tailored to the biotech industry, aligning the organizational culture with its mantra to Act Boldly, Be Inventive, and Stay Connected.
  • New leaders underwent accelerated training, while existing leaders participated in a level-setting summit to align with the company’s culture, leadership philosophy, coaching, and collaboration approach.
  • The 12-month Aspiring Leaders Program aimed at developing high-potential talent, featured mentorship, interactive sessions, and a Capstone Challenge to assess leadership readiness.

Level 4 – The Quantifiable Impact

Improved leadership alignment empowered front-line leaders and accelerated the development of future leaders. Evaluating the impact of each intervention—senior leader meetings, summits, and customized learning journeys—resulted in resounding success. Here’s a glimpse:

  • Competency model tied to the UroGen Mantra cascaded throughout the company: encouraged consistent behaviors across leadership levels.
  • Level-setting Summit & New-to-Role Training boosted Organizational Effectiveness: empowered leaders, shaped culture, and cut onboarding time by 75%, showcasing operational excellence and leadership development.
  • Aspiring Leadership Program Success: 80% completion rate with 25% of graduates promoted to leadership positions.

Credits — The Dream Team

The leadership development program’s success hinged on the dedication and expertise of a remarkable team, a true collaboration between UroGen Pharma and WLH Consulting & Learning Solutions.


  • Associate Director of Training
  • VP of Sales & Sales Operations
  • National Sales Director
  • Mentors across the UroGen team


  • Leadership Development Experts


With a unified culture, robust leadership development plan, and a solid partnership with WLH, UroGen is destined for ongoing success and growth. Further investments are underway to continue and strengthen UroGen’s commitment to leadership development.

Leveling Up Leadership!
Wendy L. Heckelman, Ph.D.

Dr. Wendy Heckelman, president and founder of WLH Consulting, Inc. has over 30 years of experience working with Fortune 100 industry clients. These include pharmaceutical, biotech, health care, animal health medicines, and consumer products, as well as international non-profit organizations and growing entrepreneurial companies.
