As L&D leaders in pharma, biotech, and medical devices, we have a unique opportunity to bolster commercial excellence during the summer months. While the pace of business may slow, our ability to impact organizational success can accelerate. Here’s how L&D can play a pivotal role in advancing commercial strategies during this period:

  • Develop a Commercial Excellence Learning Pathway

Summer is the perfect time to launch a comprehensive learning journey focused on commercial excellence. Create a multi-module program that covers key aspects of commercial strategy, market access, and customer engagement. Design this pathway to be flexible, allowing learners to progress at their own pace during the less hectic summer schedule.

  • Leverage Microlearning for Continuous Development

With teams often working remotely or on staggered schedules, microlearning can be particularly effective. Develop a series of short, focused learning nuggets on critical commercial topics. These could include updates on market trends, new product information, or best practices in customer engagement. Make these easily accessible on mobile devices for learning on-the-go.

  • Enhance Role-Play and Simulation Training

Use the summer lull to refine and expand role-play scenarios for customer interactions. Create a library of challenging customer conversation scripts and complex product presentation scenarios. Facilitate peer-to-peer practice sessions, either virtually or in person, allowing teams to sharpen their skills in a supportive environment.

  • Foster Cross-functional Learning

Support the commercial team’s goal of breaking down silos by facilitating cross-functional learning experiences. Organize virtual “lunch and learn” sessions where teams from different functions share their expertise. This could include R&D discussing pipeline products, medical affairs explaining new data, or market access teams outlining payer strategies.

  • Launch a “Commercial Innovation Workshop”

Encourage creative thinking and problem-solving by organizing innovation workshops focused on commercial excellence. Provide learning resources on design thinking and innovation methodologies, then guide teams through structured exercises to develop novel solutions to current commercial challenges. This not only drives learning but can also generate valuable ideas for the business.

  • Enhance Data Analytics Skills

As commercial teams dive deep into data analytics, ensure they have the skills to extract meaningful insights. Develop a data literacy program that covers everything from basic statistical concepts to practical data interpretation. Include hands-on workshops where participants can apply these skills to real commercial datasets.

  • Create a Digital Engagement Skills Program

With the increasing importance of digital customer engagement, use the summer to upskill teams in this area. Design a comprehensive program covering digital marketing strategies, social media engagement, and virtual presentation skills. Include practical exercises where participants can refine their digital communication techniques.

  • Implement a “Strategy in Action” Case Study Program

Develop a series of case studies that illustrate successful commercial strategies in action. These could be based on internal success stories or external best practices. Use these case studies as the basis for group discussions or problem-solving exercises, helping teams apply strategic thinking to real-world scenarios.

  • Launch a Commercial Mentoring Program

Leverage the expertise within your organization by setting up a mentoring program focused on commercial excellence. Pair experienced commercial leaders with up-and-coming talent. Provide resources and guidance to support these mentoring relationships, helping to transfer knowledge and develop future commercial leaders.

  • Develop an Agile Learning Feedback Loop

Use this period to refine your learning measurement and feedback processes. Implement systematic feedback mechanisms to continually assess the impact of learning initiatives on commercial performance. Use these insights to rapidly iterate and improve your learning offerings, ensuring they remain aligned with evolving commercial needs.

Remember, as L&D leaders, we have the power to turn the summer period into a time of accelerated skill development and strategic alignment. By offering targeted, practical, and proven learning experiences, we can ensure that our commercial teams emerge from the summer months stronger, more skilled, and better prepared to drive excellence.

How are you leveraging L&D initiatives to support commercial excellence during the summer? What learning approaches have you found most effective in advancing commercial strategies? Share your experiences in the comments – let’s learn from each other and elevate the impact of L&D in driving commercial success!

Wendy L. Heckelman, Ph.D.

Dr. Wendy Heckelman, president and founder of WLH Consulting, Inc. has over 30 years of experience working with Fortune 100 industry clients. These include pharmaceutical, biotech, health care, animal health medicines, and consumer products, as well as international non-profit organizations and growing entrepreneurial companies.

biotechcommercial excellencepharmaLearning and DevelopmentMed DeviceSummer LearningStrategic L&D