As a line-of-business or functional leader in the life sciences industry, you know that strategic alignment is crucial for success. However, vacation season can present unique challenges to maintaining productivity and focus. With team members rotating through time off, keeping everyone aligned and moving forward can feel like a complex puzzle.

Yet, this period isn’t just a challenge – it’s an opportunity to reinforce alignment and boost productivity. Here’s why we need to double down on alignment during these months, and how to do it effectively:

Combat the “Out of Sight, Out of Mind” Syndrome

When key team members are away, it’s easy for priorities to slip. Combat this by:

  • Implementing a robust handover process for vacationing team members
  • Scheduling brief, focused check-ins with available team members to reinforce key objectives
  • Using visual management tools (even virtually) to keep strategic goals front and center

Leverage Quieter Periods for Deep Work

Less operational noise means more time for strategic thinking. Use this to:

  • Conduct thorough reviews of your strategic initiatives and their alignment with broader organizational goals
  • Engage in scenario planning to prepare for potential market shifts or regulatory changes
  • Refine your team’s objectives and key results (OKRs) for the upcoming quarters

Bridge Silos with Cross-Functional Initiatives

A more relaxed atmosphere can be perfect for breaking down barriers:

  • Initiate cross-functional projects that align with strategic goals
  • Host virtual “strategy sessions” bringing together diverse perspectives from across the organization
  • Encourage team members to use downtime for “job shadowing” in other departments

Enhance Communication to Maintain Focus

With fragmented schedules, clear and consistent communication becomes even more critical:

  • Implement a weekly strategic alignment newsletter highlighting progress and upcoming milestones
  • Use asynchronous communication tools to keep discussions going despite varied schedules
  • Host “strategic alignment office hours” where team members can drop in to discuss how their work ties to broader goals

Invest in Micro-Learning for Continuous Alignment

Use this time to reinforce strategic understanding:

  • Create short, engaging learning modules on key strategic initiatives
  • Develop a “strategy podcast” series featuring insights from leadership
  • Implement a “strategy book club” discussing relevant industry trends and their strategic implications

Conduct Mid-Year Strategic Health Checks

Use this time to ensure your team is on track:

  • Schedule one-on-one “alignment conversations” with each team member
  • Conduct a mid-year survey to gauge understanding and buy-in of strategic initiatives
  • Host a virtual “strategy summit” to realign and reenergize your team around key objectives

Prepare for a Strong Q3/Q4 Push

Use this period to set the stage for a powerful finish to the year:

  • Develop detailed action plans for key Q3 and Q4 initiatives
  • Identify potential roadblocks and develop mitigation strategies
  • Create a “return from vacation” onboarding plan to quickly realign team members as they return

Remember, strategic alignment isn’t something that happens once a year – it’s an ongoing process that requires constant attention and effort. Vacation season, despite its challenges, offers a unique opportunity to strengthen this alignment and set the stage for future success.

At WLH Consulting, we specialize in helping life sciences leaders navigate these complex alignment challenges. Our Strategic Change Management programs are designed to help you maintain focus, drive engagement, and achieve results, even during periods when team members are taking time off.

How are you maintaining strategic alignment during vacation season? What challenges have you faced, and what innovative solutions have you implemented

Wendy L. Heckelman, Ph.D.

Dr. Wendy Heckelman, president and founder of WLH Consulting, Inc. has over 30 years of experience working with Fortune 100 industry clients. These include pharmaceutical, biotech, health care, animal health medicines, and consumer products, as well as international non-profit organizations and growing entrepreneurial companies.

Change ManagementLife SciencesLeadership ChallengesStrategic AlignmentProductivity Tips