As a newly hired executive in the pharmaceutical industry, you’re stepping into a leadership role during a challenging time. The summer months, often characterized by vacations and a perceived lull in activity, can make it difficult to maintain strategic focus and alignment. However, this period also presents a unique opportunity to lay the groundwork for future success – especially if you know how to leverage the expertise of your HR and Learning & Development (L&D) business partners.

The Strategic Advantage of HR and L&D Collaboration

Your HR and L&D partners are not just administrative support – they are strategic allies who can significantly accelerate your impact and help you navigate the complexities of your new role. Here is how you can effectively leverage these partnerships:

1. Rapid Organizational Understanding

As a new leader, you need to quickly grasp the organizational landscape. Your HR and L&D partners can provide invaluable insights:

  • Action Step: Schedule a comprehensive briefing with HR and L&D leads to understand:
    • The organization’s culture and unwritten rules
    • Key stakeholders and their influence
    • Ongoing strategic initiatives and their status
    • Historical context of your team and its challenges

2. Strategic Communication Support

Clear, consistent communication is crucial, especially when team members are on vacation or working remotely.

  • Action Step: Work with your HR partner to:
    • Develop a strategic communication plan for your first 90 days
    • Create templates for strategic updates that you can easily customize
    • Implement a “Strategy Snapshot” series to keep your team aligned on key objectives

3. Talent Assessment and Development

Understanding your team’s capabilities and aligning them with strategic goals is critical for success.

  • Action Step: Collaborate with L&D to:
    • Conduct a skills gap analysis of your team
    • Develop personalized learning paths for key team members
    • Identify high-potential individuals for accelerated development

4. Cross-Functional Collaboration

Breaking down silos is essential in the complex pharma landscape. Your HR and L&D partners can facilitate this process.

  • Action Step: Engage your L&D partner to:
    • Organize virtual cross-functional workshops on strategic topics
    • Implement a “Strategy Buddy” system, pairing your team members with counterparts in other functions
    • Create a virtual “Strategic Innovation Lab” to foster cross-functional idea generation

5. Leadership Development

Enhancing your own leadership capabilities should be a continuous process.

  • Action Step: Work with L&D to:
    • Set up virtual coaching sessions focused on strategic thinking and alignment
    • Participate in workshops on translating corporate strategy into team objectives
    • Obtain tools to assess your team’s strategic alignment

6. Strategic Skill-Building

Addressing skill gaps in your team is crucial for executing your strategy effectively.

  • Action Step: Partner with L&D to:
    • Conduct a strategic skills assessment of your team
    • Implement a “Summer of Skills” program with targeted webinars and workshops
    • Create personalized learning paths aligned with your strategic priorities

7. Mid-Year Strategic Review Support

As a new leader, conducting an effective mid-year review is crucial for setting the tone and direction.

  • Action Step: Leverage HR and L&D to:
    • Develop templates for mid-year strategic performance conversations
    • Facilitate team strategy review sessions
    • Provide analytics and insights on strategic KPIs to inform your reviews

8. Preparing for Post-Summer Momentum

Use the summer to set the stage for a strong performance in the latter half of the year.

  • Action Step: Collaborate with HR and L&D to:
    • Design a “Back to Strategy” program to re-engage your team post-vacation
    • Create a strategic alignment toolkit for your leadership team
    • Plan a department-wide event to reinforce strategic priorities for Q3 and Q4


As a new pharma executive, your ability to quickly align your team and drive strategic initiatives is crucial. By effectively leveraging your HR and L&D partners, you can accelerate your understanding of the organization, enhance your team’s capabilities, and maintain strategic focus – even during the challenging summer months.

Remember, these partnerships are not just about addressing current needs. They’re about building the organizational capabilities and culture that will drive long-term success under your leadership.

At WLH Consulting and Learning Solutions, we specialize in supporting new leaders like you in navigating these complex transitions. Our Strategic Change Leadership programs and award-winning learning solutions, such as the Account Management Academy, can provide additional support in your journey to make a significant impact in your new role.

How are you leveraging your HR and L&D partnerships in your new leadership role? What challenges are you facing, and what innovative solutions have you implemented?

Wendy L. Heckelman, Ph.D.

Dr. Wendy Heckelman, president and founder of WLH Consulting, Inc. has over 30 years of experience working with Fortune 100 industry clients. These include pharmaceutical, biotech, health care, animal health medicines, and consumer products, as well as international non-profit organizations and growing entrepreneurial companies.

Leadership DevelopmentStrategic AlignmentNew Leadership JourneyPharma ExecHR Partnership