Congratulations on your new leadership role in the pharmaceutical industry! Taking the helm at mid-year presents unique opportunities and challenges. As you step into this critical position, here are some specific hurdles you might face and strategies to overcome them:

Challenge: Summer Vacations and Reduced Staffing

The summer months often mean key team members and stakeholders are on vacation, potentially slowing your onboarding and initial strategic moves.


  • Use this time to dive deep into company documents, reports, and data. The quieter office can allow for focused learning.
  • Schedule one-on-one meetings with available team members. These more intimate settings can foster open dialogue and build relationships.
  • Create a “returning from vacation” briefing schedule to ensure you connect with key players as soon as they’re back.

Challenge: Mid-Year Performance Reviews and Goal Setting

You’re entering as the team is potentially reviewing half-year performance and adjusting goals.


  • Review existing goals and performance data before making any drastic changes.
  • Use this as an opportunity to align the team’s goals with your vision, making incremental adjustments rather than wholesale changes.
  • Conduct listening sessions to understand the rationale behind current goals and the team’s perspectives on progress.

Challenge: Inheriting Mid-Year Budget Constraints

You may find that significant portions of the annual budget have already been allocated or spent.


  • Conduct a thorough review of budget allocations and spending to date.
  • Identify areas of potential reallocation to align with your priorities.
  • Begin building your case for resources needed in the next fiscal year.

Challenge: Ongoing Projects and Initiatives

You’re stepping into leadership of projects and initiatives that are already underway, some of which may not align with your strategy.


  • Resist the urge to immediately halt projects. Take time to understand their strategic importance and potential impact.
  • For misaligned projects, consider how they might be adjusted rather than cancelled outright.
  • Communicate openly with project teams about your assessment process to minimize uncertainty.

Challenge: Industry Events and Conferences

Key industry events may have already occurred or be scheduled soon, impacting networking and learning opportunities.


  • Review notes and presentations from past events to catch up on industry trends and competitor movements.
  • Prioritize upcoming events and consider attending with key team members to accelerate relationship-building.
  • Use quieter summer months to schedule targeted meetings with industry peers and thought leaders.

Challenge: Regulatory and Compliance Timelines

You may be stepping into critical stages of regulatory processes or compliance initiatives.


  • Immediately identify any upcoming regulatory deadlines or compliance milestones.
  • Schedule in-depth briefings with your regulatory and compliance teams.
  • Consider bringing in external experts to provide an objective assessment of your regulatory position.

Challenge: Building Trust Quickly

Establishing trust with your team and stakeholders is crucial but can be challenging in a condensed timeframe.


  • Be transparent about your learning process and decision-making approach.
  • Acknowledge the team’s accomplishments to date and the value of their institutional knowledge.
  • Share your vision early, but emphasize your openness to input and adaptation.

Remember, while these challenges are significant, they also present unique opportunities. The mid-year point allows you to build on existing momentum while bringing fresh perspectives. Your success will depend on balancing respect for ongoing work with the implementation of your new vision.

At WLH Consulting, we specialize in supporting new leaders through these transitions. Our New Leader Acceleration Program provides personalized coaching, tools, and strategies to help you navigate these challenges effectively. We understand the unique dynamics of the pharmaceutical industry and can offer targeted insights to accelerate your impact.

As you embark on this exciting new chapter, consider how a partnership with WLH could smooth your transition and set you up for long-term success. We’re here to support you every step of the way.

What challenges are you facing as a new leader stepping in mid-year? How are you approaching these hurdles?

Wendy L. Heckelman, Ph.D.

Dr. Wendy Heckelman, president and founder of WLH Consulting, Inc. has over 30 years of experience working with Fortune 100 industry clients. These include pharmaceutical, biotech, health care, animal health medicines, and consumer products, as well as international non-profit organizations and growing entrepreneurial companies.

Change ManagementNew LeadershipPharmaceutical IndustryExecutive TransitionLeadership Challenges