At the start of the year, many companies pull their teams together for regional or national sales meetings...
Workforce Planning
Commercial Excellence
The WLH REFLECT framework — helping you plan and prepare more effectively...
Explore the REFLECT framework's role in driving change in our new blog.
Human Capital Optimization
Upskilling Your People: Investing in Future Success
Discover why upskilling your workforce is a strategic investment for long-term growth.
Leadership Development
Leadership Development: A Holistic Perspective Through Three (3) Lenses
A strong organizational foundation depends on the quality of the leaders who run it, especially in an environment...
Change and Thrive Podcast
COACH – Coaching Direct Reports Through Transition
Everyone reacts to change differently. Coaching through transition is not about performance coaching or development coaching, but in...
Change and Thrive Podcast
You Must Understand Your Ecosystem to Build a Solid Plan
Life science professionals in customer-facing roles need to develop their business acumen to “connect the dots” and identify...
Change and Thrive Podcast
Defining Business Acumen for Life Sciences
At its core, business acumen is about understanding how your company or your customers make money. Business acumen...
Strategic Execution & Change Management
3 Leadership Practices to Ease The Transition Back to The Office
In recent months, company executives and HR leaders have announced plans and policies for a return to the...
Change and Thrive Podcast
Leading with Empathy: From the Top to the Customer
As the workforce begins to transition back to in-person work, it is imperative for leaders to realign with...
Change and Thrive Podcast
4 Key Steps to Engage More Empathetically With Others
Brene Brown has said, “Empathy is simply listening, holding space, withholding judgment, emotionally connecting, and communicating that incredibly...
Change and Thrive Podcast
3 Tips to Help You Better Understand Your Team
Oprah Winfrey once said, “Leadership is about empathy.” The ability to relate and connect with people, to inspire,...
Change and Thrive Podcast
6 Key Steps to Help Your Team Successfully Navigate Their Transition
Renowned football coach Pete Carroll once said, “each person holds so much power within themselves that needs to...